Please suggest the manual records needed to be maintained at NGO/CBO to record the transactions of accounts & inventory. Please also mention the need & purpose of each records/books
1998Post New NGO Interview Questions
Why use style sheets?
What is a class in ooabap?
what is the types of surveying?which type of survey carrying for type of work?
Difference between argument and parameter in ruby on rails ?
How can I install laravel in windows?
Is lambda functional programming?
How do you insert rows and columns?
Explain what is densitometer is used for?
What is database management system explain?
How would you update angular 6 to angular 7?
name few other popular column oriented databases like hbase.
How is garbage handled in python?
What are the importance of infotypes in sap hr
Explain what is speculative execution?
Explain the process of spontaneous combustion?