. The Anti-Defection Law was enacted as early as 1979 in (a) Kerala (b) Jammu and Kashmir (c) West Bengal (d) Tamil Nadu
7 24329Post New APSPSC General Knowledge_Current Affairs Interview Questions
I need control valve ISA hand book. Is there any site to download that big book containing all the pages. Written by Paul Friedmann
Does treemap allow null key?
What does this mean: *args, **kwargs?
why we create short columns under grade slab?
why you are join as a quality analyist ?
What are the difference between pros and state?
How to access Ruby strings elements in an application?
02. a. The diagonal of a 9 cube…………… 1 b. Surface area of 9 cube…………… 1 c. Volume of 1-3 cube …………… 1 d. Compressive area of 6 cube …………… 1 e. Top & Bottom face of a Cylinder/Cube is to be proper leveled to deliver the…………………………..…… properly.
why are U looking for this vacancy
dear friends, pls tell me why silicone oil is used as dielectic medium in pressure transmitters
why do you add the load short circuit impedance when considering short circuit amperage. It seems that you should only consider supply. If you need to consider loads and you don't know what loads are to be added , what would be a good sub-transient reactance rating for the loads?
Is javascript a security risk?
What is clutch drag?
What is pop in python?
What is Other histogram-based operations?