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Andhra Bank APPSC AllOther Interview Questions
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Post New Andhra Bank APPSC AllOther Interview Questions

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You are a project manager for Pizza Direct, which is a retail pizza delivery store. Your company is competing with another retail store for the option of opening two new stores in a foreign country. You've been told that it is culturally unacceptable to eat certain foods in this country. You know that one of these foods happens to be a secret ingredient in the pizza sauce. What is the most appropriate response? A. Inform the potential partners that your sauce recipe is secret, but you’re certain there are no forbidden ingredients in it. B. Inform the potential partners that you suspect there might be a forbidden ingredient in the sauce and you'll request an investigation to determine if any of them exist in the sauce. C. Inform the potential partners that a forbidden ingredient exists in the sauce and determine to work with them to come up with another ingredient to replace that one. D. Don't tell the potential partners about the ingredient because the sauce they'll be using in the stores is shipped to them already prepared in cans. They won't know the ingredient is in the sauce.


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