I tried to run two of the applets in the examples directory of the distribution? : BEA Weblogic
Do you enjoy being on the phone? : insurance cold calling
what we specify the in XML data server and parameters for to connect to xml file?
which are the basic princeples of accountancy... with examples
How to transfer data from Hive to HDFS?
Explain about robotic process automation world-wide implementation?
How to load a user control dynamically in runtime?
What is the most abundant form of nitrogen in nature?
Is and as keyword in c# net?
. Using sed and grep, write a command which lists files and directories with following properties: (i) created in 1999 (ii) with user's as owner and group
What is global transfer nile?
How do I write Greek ( or other non-ASCII/8859-1 ) characters to a database?
Can Hadoop be compared to NOSQL database like Cassandra?
What is use of derived roles?
Hi, I've applied for HPCL(Information System Officer)& UIIC (A).Plz send me previous/sample papers and any suggestions regarding this exam.Please advice me good study material or related links. Thanks in advance shyam shyamprasad71@gmail.com