I have table with ID,PRD_DT,PRD_FLAG,CUST_DT,CUST_FLAG I need to get max date and its corresponding flag for both the date columns. Ex:- 1A,10/3/2015,AC,10/3/2015,XY 1A,10/4/2015,AB,10/2/2015,XZ Output needed 1A,10/4/2015,10/3/2015,XY I have 100 million + in the table so avoid self-join...
2 3557Post New Amex Informatica Interview Questions
Why is spark used?
What is the Internal Architecture of the Cassandra Database ?
What type of database is neo4j?
How is Apache Spark better than Hadoop?
What are the steps involved in placing a servlet within a package?
What is term velocity in agile? How is it measured?
What’s your favorite algorithm, & can you explain it into me in less than a minute?
What is Skeleton in image processing?
How large is the .net framework 3.0?
What is linux mint used for?
Explain a time that you had to persuade your manager [to approve] a particular design idea.
You been asked to prepare a training class for completing expense statements. What points will you emphasize to insure accurate expense statements are submitted?
Explain tdd?
What is @property in python?
Explain the method of changing file access permission?