how will define a bug generally?

Answer Posted / illa srinivas

bug is nothing but devition from requirement.

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hi everybody, iam Adi Durga, i complited my bsc(computers) in 2008.I have experience in finacial and bpo companys(mnc). but iam intersted on s/w role.I have the technical skills c, c++, Oracle 9i and manual testing. But i dont know hoe to strat my career in s/w. Every company offering on financial/bpo side. In this I attended nearly 10 companies,I selected in 8. All those are bpo and finacial, But i cant get any opportunities on s/w side.plz help how to get opportunites on s/w side. Actually I am interested on testing side. But every company offering for only experienced persons. plz help me. this is my mailid....


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