ENGINEERING NUMERICAL METHODS - EXAMPLE 19.1 : Solve the simultaneous equation using simple Excel program : r + s - t = 7, 2r - s = 0, 3r + 2t = 15. Explain the use of functions of MINVERSE and MMULT together with the keyboard C (Ctrl) + S (Shift) + E (Enter).

Answer Posted / kangchuentat

ENGINEERING NUMERICAL METHODS - ANSWER 19.1 : By using Microsoft Excel, r = 3.22, s = 6.44, t = 2.67. MINVERSE, or =minverse is used to inverse the 3 x 3 matrix with constants of r, s, t. MMULT, or =mmult can be used to obtain the answers by functions (inversed matrix of 3 x 3, constants of 7 and 0 and 15). CSE is an Excel function to perform quick calculations for the cells. The answer is given by Kang Chuen Tat; PO Box 6263, Dandenong, Victoria VIC 3175, Australia; SMS +61405421706;;

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