if u hv been invisible for a day what will you do?

Answer Posted / keertivaas

If I were Invisible, I would use my powers to do good for others but I would do some mischief as well.

First, If it was a normal school day, I'd go to school, even though I'd be marked 'absent'; I wouldn't want to miss any lessons so I could keep up with my studies. I would write on the blackboard, 'I'm watching you' so that everyone thinks it is a ghost.

If it fell on Christmas Eve, I'd be an 'invisible Santa Claus'. I'd take Christmas presents from stores and put them in the homes of the poor, so their children could share the happiness of this wonderful day.

If it fell on April fool’s Day, I'd play tricks on my friends and family, such as tripping them up, or making scary sounds. I would move objects here and there so that my friends get scared. 
I would go to famous bookshops and read almost all my favourite books free of cost.
If there is a cricket match going on, then I will enter the stadium without ticket, go to the pavilion and listen to their conversations. I would even go near the pitch and watch cricket from the nearest point. I will play tricks with the opposite team so that they lose the match. 
If there is a basket ball match, I would stand near the basket and push the balls that come almost into the basket.
I will help catch all the terrorists who cause problems and make my earth peaceful and happy. I will watch terrorist plan and will inform police to stop any danger to be caused by terrorists. 
Then I will go in all the doors that say 'No Entry' or 'Staff only' just to see what's so important inside. No one would scold me as I would be invisible.
I would eagerly examine the roles played by secret government agencies, such as the CBI and CBCID, by entering their headquarters without detection, despite the tight security in place. Then I could learn the secrets of everything and everyone.

I'd go to the liveliest market and leave a few rupees while treating myself to food from a stall. Or I'd sit on a public bus, or on the back of a motorcycle, and see where it took me. Best of all, being invisible would mean I'd avoid crowds trying to sell me things.

I would help the police to catch the crooked shopkeeper, who is a master in food adultration. I will go into the shop without his notice when he mixes spurious things. When the police comes, I will open the door from inside without his knowledge and he would be caught. 

I will play some tricks on the bully of our class. I will tie his shoelaces to the desk so that when he walks, he would have a horrendous fall. He would not be able to catch me as I would be invisible.

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