why ur Looking for Change?(In P.M)

Answer Posted / kiran

Hello Chandra Shekar r u doing job or looking for a job?
wats the hell u r saying

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How we will test ubercate


explain ur testing project? how can u nexplain . what should we explain ? i have not worked on any project?


Iam new to testing field and i put lot of experiences so i want to get prepared for the interview in all the ways both in manual and Automation can any one help me how to answer there questions in real time. also can anyone send the top questions and answers to me plz its urget u can mail me at vaisu72@yahoo.com


how to test a store procedure?


I need your help, actually am facing lots of problem in interview am not able to answer in right way what ever questions asked about project. Could you please answer few questions? You must have seen the project I have mention as current project so please help on this, tell me how to explain project in details am prepare on HR module but don’t know how to explain it properly. If you can send me few documents like SRS, and few test case that will help me to get the clear picture, and want ask u what is tier1, tier2, and tier3 in project.


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