What is the difference between java and .Net?

Answer Posted / rohith

Java is developed by Sun Microsystems where as .Net is by Microsoft Corporation.
Both of them are capable of producing high end applications.
Java is a light weight language and can be run on almost all the OS. Light weight doesn't means that it have less capability then .Net rather it means that it do not trigger the computer with lots of load and Hard Disk space. Whereas .Net needs a very heavy framework to be installed which have higher Hardware requirements too compared to Java.
C# is the most popular language of .Net and is used to create any kind of programming like Web Application, WIndows Application and up to an extenct games programming too.
The main reason why many programmers dominate .Net is because maximum things that you need to achieve manually in Java, are already provided by .Net framework automatically.
The .Net garbage collector does not wipe away your objects as and when it likes, but will do the garbage collection in more efficient manner than Java. Basically in Java it has been upto the programmer to clean the memory manually whereas this task is moreover automated in .Net.
Like .Net garbage collector runs at a certain interval and see is there is any memory occupied by any object whose parent is now finished processing (for eg. you closed an application), in this case the garbage collector automatically removes the reference of that object and free up the memory, whereas in Java you need to confirm it that all the objects are destroyed before application quits.
On the other hand Java has a major advantage that it can be run on any OS which is able to install JVM. This is a major disadvantage with .Net.
Also, for .Net a standard development IDE is available that is Microsoft Visual Studio. This tool comparises of all the things you require for your development purpose (Each and every thing you may think need of are at single place).
Whereas, for Java no such standard tool is available. Although, many third party IDEs are available.

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