What is the difference bitween cookies and sessions/

Answer Posted / mfsi_krushnas

1.If you set the variable to "cookies", then your users
will not have to log in each time they enter your

2.The cookie will stay in place within the user’s browser
until it is deleted by the user.

3.If you set the variable to "sessions", then user activity
will be tracked using browser sessions, and your users
will have to log in each time they re-open their browser.
Additionally, if you are using the "sessions" variable,
you need to secure the "sessions" directory, either by
placing it above the web root or by requesting that your
web host make it a non-browsable directory.

3.The Key difference would be cookies are stored in your
hard disk whereas a session aren't stored in your hard
disk. Sessions are basically like tokens, which are
generated at authentication. A session is available as
long as the browser is opened.

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