what are the Prerequisites for Replication?

Answer Posted / appaiah

Replication configuration prerequisites
If you are configuring replication on one or more servers, verify that the following prerequisites and conditions are met before you begin the configuration process:

Installation of a second dual-port Ethernet adapter (Feature Code 3448) is complete on any legacy 3958 DD1 servers being used for data replication.
Cable connections to the customer's replication network have been made. See Revising the cabling to support replication for additional information.
TCP ports 6520, 6530, 6540, 6550 are open in the customer's firewall. Each ProtecTIER® server being used for replication must allow TCP access through these ports.
You have the following information about the servers in the customer's replication network:
Replication Port 1 IP address
Replication Port 1 netmask
Replication Port 1 hostname (for example: jaguar_source_1)
Replication Port 2 IP address
Replication Port 2 netmask
Replication Port 2 hostname (for example: jaguar_source_2)
Note: Host names are case sensitive. Be aware of the use of upper- and lowercase characters when gathering the information and when entering it into the system.
The replication ports (ETH3 and ETH4), are on different subnets than each other. In addition, ETH3 and ETH4 must be on a different subnet than the external LAN port (ETH0). Having the replication ports and the external LAN port on the same subnet may cause replication errors.
Parent topic: Configuring replication

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