What is the difference between java and .Net?

Answer Posted / rohit jain

* Java is from Sun, .Net is from Microsoft
* Java is a language plus a runtime, .Net is a runtime
framework that supports multiple languages, Visual Basic and
C# (the .Net language most similar to Java) among them.
* C# is very similar to Java but a few years younger,
and a bit nicer in some respects - it has a slightly simpler
syntax for some common constructs.
* Java is more platform independent, it runs on several
operating systems including Windows, Mac and Linux. .Net is
primarily for Windows. Although the open source project Mono
is developing a multi-platform runtime for .Net, so this is
less of an issue than it used to be.
* .Net has a more integrated development environment, as
the IDE, runtime and server all come from Microsoft as a
standard package, while Java is based on third-party tool
and server providers. It used to be the case that the .Net
development environment was clearly superior, but the
difference is smaller these days.
* It can be argued that Java gives more flexibility, as
there are more server- and IDE-providers to choose from, at
the cost of some extra overhead for the developer to get the
different pieces to work together.

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