if u hv been invisible for a day what will you do?

Answer Posted / vinay

If I were invisible I would play tricks and scare people
because everyone needs revenge and the best revenge is when
the person cannot see you.
You could find out what your so called friends say about
you behind your backs, it may be shocking but useful.
If I was invisible then I would be able to take any outfit
I wished for from any shop, and when I was not invisible I
would be wear the clothes.
I would take a plane, bus or train to the places I want to
go to like America.
If I every got hungry then I could go to the super market
or any shops on the world to try new flavours and spices.
I would love to go meet the queen, but she would have never
known and I could sleep in one other bed without her
I would make sure when some bad had done something, like
stealing I would take what they stole and return it to the
rightful owner.
Everyone wants to meet a celebrities so being invisible I
would go meet them without them knowing. It is a perfect
way, no security shall know

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