what is the output of the query select * from emp where 1=2

Answer Posted / mithun

hi everyone ,
its a trick to copy the structure of the table wthout the
data .
1 SQL> create table employee1
2 as select * from emp
3 where 1=2;

the compiler will look for the statment 2 first
then it will come to the 3 line to check the condition ,when
it gets a 0 [means false] at that time only the table
structure was there in the buffer ; now it will return to
the 1st statement to create a table with the structure only .
so it will return only the structure of the table .
similarly when this
WHERE 1=2;
querry is executed as per the false conditon it will only
show no rows selected .
hope you get the answer .
have a nice time for any more assistance you can mail me to

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