What is the difference between CLDC 1.0 and CLDC 1.1?

Answer Posted / ajit k

1. Ans:: No User Classloading : CLDC does not allow you to
define your own classloaders. The application manager that
runs MIDlets has a classloader, but you cannot access it or
use it yourself in any way.

2. No Object Finaliaztion : Finalization is a mechanism by
which objects can clean up after themselves just before they
are garbage collected. Although this seems to be a good idea
for mobiles, but it results in memory and processing power
consumptions. So the finalize() is not called until the
garbage collection is done.

3. No Reflection: CLDC does not support the Reflection API.
Without reflection RMi is not possible. And without RMI,
JINI is not possible. Hence all these 3 api are not
supported in CLDC. However to use RMi/JINI, you can use RMI
optional API(JSR 66).

4. No Native Methods: To use platform specific features, we
can always use vendor specific api.

5. Multithreading : Thread groups and Deamon threads are not
supported in CLDC/MIDP. interrupt() is not availabel in
CLDC1.0 but available in CLDC 1.1. Naming threads is not
available in CLDC1.0 but available in CLDC1.1.

6. String & String Buffer: Any methods related to conversion
of string to double are absent in CLDC1.0 , but present in
CLDC1.1 ( due to addition of floating point support in 1.1).
For comparing strings, compareTo(String str) is availble in
CLDC, while compareTo(Object o) or
compareToIgnoreCase(String str) are absent.
equalsIgnoreCase() is absent in 1.0 but present in 1.1.

7. Math Class: There are many changes in the math class due
to addition of floating support. Constants final double E,
final double PI are added in 1.1. Methods that can work on
double or float are added to the api. Please refer the full
api for details.

8. Runtime and the System Class: They are a stripped down
version of their j2se counterpart. Some points to note.

RUNTIME class : If you call exit() methods, the midlet
throws a SecurityException, because the life cycle of midlet
is managed entirely though MIDlet class. You dont have the
exec() method, as you cannot reach outside the KVM.

SYSTEM class : There is no System.in, which makes sense, as
there is no input console. But we do have System.out and
System.err. getProperty() gives information about
platform,encoding,configuration & profiles of the system.

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