What is meant by content management system?

Answer Posted / dhamu

A Content Management System ( CMS ) is used to add, edit,
and delete content on a website. For a small website, such
as this, adding and deleting a page manually is fairly
simple. But for a large website with lots of pages like a
news website adding a page manually without a content
management system can be a headache.

A CMS is meant to ease the process of adding and modifying
new content to a webpage. The pages content are stored in
database, not in the file server.

This tutorial will present an example of a simple content
management system. You will be able to add, edit and delete
articles using HTML forms.

For the database table we'll call it the news table. It
consist of three columns :

* id : The article's id
* title : The title of an article
* content : The article itself

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