What is throw object?

Answer Posted / sreeprasad

It is exception handling

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Hi, I have 2 dropdown listboxes called region and city/area. It needs to select one region(Santa Clara) and one city/Area (Sunnyvale).So I put this in the for loop and I am storing the Items in the variable called itemname. The regions value will get changed,so I used reg expression for this regions. This is my code Browser("MLSListings.com").Page("MLSListings.com").Link("ยป County/Area").Click Browser("MLSListings.com").Page("MLSListings.com").WebList ("regions").Check CheckPoint("regions") ListSize=Browser("MLSListings.com").Page ("MLSListings.com").WebList("regions").GetTOProperty("items count") For i = 1 To ListSize-1 Itemname =Browser("MLSListings.com").Page ("MLSListings.com").WebList("regions").GetItem(i+1) Browser("MLSListings.com").Page("MLSListings.com").WebList ("regions").Select Itemname ................. If I run the script,I am getting the following error, Cannot identify the specified item of the regions object. Confirm that the specified item is included in the object's item collection. Any Help? Thank you, Uma


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www.icici.com ,after this.. home page wll came, in this page what r the items we r going to test for manual and what are items we r going to test for QTP... explian clearly with example


Hi any body pls help me for QTP 11.0 software free demo version. i have to practice. Kindly send the link.or where i have to download.


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