deduct deperection from land
true or false

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I m entering much more than 500-700 sales vouchers per month. But I m getting a problem while entering sale voucher is that If I have entered a sale voucher in the middle of a date then the voucher no is being changed. So how can enter a sale voucher in the middle of a date so that i can adjust the voucher nos from changing.


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A company purchase goods Rs.2000/- & input vat received rs.100/- but at the time he sold goods 1000/- as a sales & 1000/- as a sock transfer. plz tell me how much take input claim in this case.


What is process of Vendor Reconciliation and which items will be Add and Less from ad per customer books likes step by step 1-Credit Note shown in vendor a/c but not booked in our a/c- Add or Less 2-Debit Note not shown in vendor a/c but booked in our a/c - Add or Less 3-Invoices not booked in our a/c but shown in vendor a/c- Add or Less 4-Payment booked in our books but not shown vendor- Add or Less If our balance is plus or minus rules is same. like 20000, (-20000) Sir, Provide your mobile n for clarify


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