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Question { IBM, 9642 }

Life Cycle of Thread


Thread has following life cycles:
1.Ready to Run

Once thread is dead there is no way it coming back to
running state.

Is This Answer Correct ?    3 Yes 1 No

Question { 6654 }

Is it possible to add aspx.vb file in to C# Web Project? If
so how can i use the vb file in the C# Web project?



Is This Answer Correct ?    0 Yes 3 No

Question { 9958 }

how will you get 21 to 30 record from 50 records?


use rownum in Source Qualifier if the specified target is
an Oracle DB

Is This Answer Correct ?    6 Yes 1 No

Question { IBM, 33324 }

What is the minimum work processes needed for a SAP server?



Is This Answer Correct ?    35 Yes 9 No

Question { IBM, 14210 }

how to delete a table in sap?


Hi, Goto t-code se14 or se16
enter the table name
select and delete it.

Is This Answer Correct ?    12 Yes 9 No

Question { 31287 }

What is the exact role of a probationary officer in a bank?


Bank PO Responsibilities

A Bank Probationary Officer (PO) in the bank is the starting
level appointment for bank officers and the promotional
prospects are quite healthy with the work as it defining the
limit for the candidate's success. Job profile of PO
(Probationary Officer) is General Banking, administration
work and any other work assigned by the Bank from time to time.

A Bank PO can be asked to do anything till the completion of
its probation period. After the confirmation he/she can give
tasks having routine work like posting, scrolling or
advances or anything that is related to banking. He/she
generally assigned to various responsibilities, as directed
by the Sr. Manager. They are trained for accounting,
marketing, finance, investment as well as billing.

The Bank PO also work on increasing other aspects of the
bank's business such as the loan department, the the
mortgage and finance divisions of the bank. Handling
customer complaints and issues is also the responsibility of
the Bank PO. Often this means dealing with complaints over
issues such as charges, discrepancies in accounts, or even
in complaints with service at the bank. Good communication
skills and an ability to resolve conflicts calmly is
essential for a Bank PO

Bank PO joins the bank as Asst manager after the end of
probation period . Initially he/she may be posted in a
branch where he/she will handle daily customer transaction
like passing a cheque, cash management, Draft issuance etc.
After certain experience and depending upon skill/aptitude,
the person would be given an opportunity to work in other
areas like planning, marketing, budgeting, processing of
loan , investment management etc.

Is This Answer Correct ?    114 Yes 9 No

Question { 4622 }

What is web based application?



Is This Answer Correct ?    3 Yes 7 No

Question { Cimcon, 7975 }

I m trying to automate one vb desktop application in that
there is vblist vbcombobox many other vb tools are
there ,when i m trying to find some unique property to
identify the object (take example of vbcombobox ) I cannot
find any unique property, all the combobox belong to same
nativeclass same name no ids are available ,only the
distinct property is there x and y coordinates so i m using
some code like this
"vbbutton "nativeclass:=ThunderRT6CommandButton","x:=304","y
:=443").exist(2)" but i dont find them reliable .Can anyone
suggest me some other way to identify those objects with
some unique property or is there any way to register our
own property .I m using descriptive programming to write
the code .Thanks in advance


Use Object Spy to identify the property of the particular
object. The use that property in DP

Is This Answer Correct ?    0 Yes 1 No

Question { 4105 }

I have installed QTP 10.0, and need to Automate SAP
Application.....so i need to Install SAP Add-ins, anybady
has SAP-Addins, Please help me, and thanks in advanced plese
send it on my email id: sandipgami84@gmail.com

Sandip Gami


Hi Sandip

Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 0 No

Question { 4534 }

hi sir,
I have applied for ACIO(Assistant CEnreal
Intelligence Officer Exam)........ tel me how ll be
questions like general or numerical or verbal.... and also
send me old papers for t same ........


Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 2 No

Question { 7831 }

How to display First 4 rows From Database Table?


you can get the first four rows using this query

select * from emp limit 4

Is This Answer Correct ?    2 Yes 5 No

Question { Wipro, 50192 }

please give code for this 1 2 4 7 11 16



Is This Answer Correct ?    3 Yes 12 No

Question { 25765 }

write test cases for general mobile camera??


1. Test if night mode works during night only
2. Test that fotos are saved properly.
3. Test that fotos are saved with latest fotoes first [ i.e., descending order of the clicks ]
4.Test notification when storage size is about to be full.
5. Test notification when battery is about to get drained
6. Test the photo shots when tripod is used.
7. Test photos can be moved from default storage to SD storage/external storage
8. Test photos can be copied from default storage to SD storage/external storage
9. Test that Delete confirmation is displayed while deleting a foto.

Is This Answer Correct ?    4 Yes 0 No

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