Un-Answered Questions { Chemical Engineering }

i am a student of thapar university final year.can anybody please help me with the exam pattern of the companies:engineers india ltd. ; iocl ; UOP, HPCL. If psbl plz send me the previous years questions on this email id k_arora1987@yahoo.com. i d be really greatful


how should i prepare for my placements.i am a student of chemical eng,final year,thapar university


I will complete chemical engg next yr from a deemed university. Earlier I dropped 2 yrs after std 12th. Then I got 2 yr back while completing engg, due to reasons beyond my control. Will I face any problem while applying for job. More so not many core companies come to our collg for placement. So i want to know which all companies can I apply to get a job?


could anyone send me model question papers or outline of graduate trainee(chemical engg) post?


hai i A neelakanteswara rao ,selected for the interview on 15th july 2008. I completed my diploma in chemical engineering.let me know how to face the interview& the type of technical questions.


Repected sir/Madam, I am goingb to face IOCL technical as well as HR interview, can you forward your hellpfull hand for toward me to sort out my problem by giving some imp interview quetion which is generally asked in chemical industries such like IOCL,HPCL,ONGC,BPCL,RIL,etc I will always thankfull to you,for sharing your profficient knowledge with me and making me somewhat technically sound


Hi, I am Gurunathan. I am in need of ONGC, IOCL, DRDO technical test ( chemical engineering)and general aptitude questions. If anyone has kindly post it to me soon.


Hi, I am in need of interview questions from Engineers india limited in chemical engineering.if any one has kindly post it to me soon.


hello sir..iam keen to sit for iocl interview..please forward sample iocl questions to my id: kunal_kv06@yahoo.co.in


hi sir/madam i need placement paper of last years of DRDO in chemical sream...... send me the question paper as soon as possible on my email address praveen.zone@gmail.com


what is load and what are the types of load?


what is the purpose of capacitor? and capacitor load means what? how does it connect?


which reformer efficiencywise best?


how much maximum power can be generated by 320v, 10kg-cm synchronus motor if shaft is roteted mechanically at 50 to 60 rpm?


what is the apt definitions for apparent power ,active power and reactive power?and explanation about different types of lamps?