Un-Answered Questions { Analytical Chemistry }

give clarity of linearity and range in method validation


what is the origin to prepare standard operating procedure


why octanol used to determine the partition coefficient ?


why we should take dst factor for below 1%moisture samples


for heavy metal test lead used in which form pure form or any other form for preparation of lead standard sol


For limit test of heavy metals in BP, Method C require that the substance is ignited at a temperature not exceeding 800 °C. Why confines such the temperature?


For titration in anhydrous media with perchloric acide, if lack of titrator, Which indicator is been used for replacement. How calculate pH of test solution to choose suitable indicator?


What is importance of pH in the Heavy metal test and How it effect on the test results?


As per ICH related substances stability trend limit from initial to shelf life


I have compare C2H2-air and C2H2-N2O flame AAS on determination calcium. Both use same range of std to plot calibration curve. (2-6ppm) When i measure the sample with phosphate, KCl and LaCl, C2H2-N2O flame give false positive result, around 0.5ppm. When i measure the sample with phosphste, KCl and EDTA. C2H2-N2O flame also give 0.5ppm false positive. But both above mentioned sample would not give false positive when measured by C2H2-air flame. What is the reason?


In BP2013, Loperamid HCl monograph. Assay by titration with 0.1N sodium hydroxide using hydrocloric acid 0.01N and reading the volume added between the 2 points of inflexion. I have a question that if the diluent solvent is ethanol is certainly consumed a amount of volume of titrant, so this volume must be eliminated on the result calculation or not apart from first point which is subtracted above.


iam usig ph buffers merk. manually how to prepare ?


when we talk about change in entropy we consider total entropy means of surround +entropy of system but when we talk about change in Gibss free energy we consider entropy of system.explain with reason.


how to selecet an exact coloumn for an new molecule development by hplc how to select exact salt as buffer for new molecule development by hplc what is the the process to select the mode of saparation of compoundes by hplc what is the use of ph of buffer what is use of buffer,ph,organic phase,ans methods how the molecules get saparated in coloumn,


how to select short coloum and long coloumn for new molecule