Un-Answered Questions { Artificial Intelligence }

The BACKTRACKING-SEARCH algorithm in Figure 5.3 has a very simple policy for what to do when a branch of the search fails: back up to the preceding variable and try a different value for it. This is called chronological-backtracking. It is also possible to go all the way to set of variable that caused failure. State whether True or False. a) True b) False


Consider a problem of preparing a schedule for a class of student. This problem is a type of a) Search Problem b) Backtrack Problem c) CSP d) Planning Problem


Constraint satisfaction problems on finite domains are typically solved using a form of ___________. a) Search Algorithms b) Heuristic Search Algorithms c) Greedy Search Algorithms d) DFS/BFS Search Algorithms


Solving a constraint satisfaction problem on a finite domain is an/a ___________ problem with respect to the domain size. a) P complete b) NP complete c) NP hard d) Domain dependent


Fuzzy logic is a form of a) Two-valued logic b) Crisp set logic c) Many-valued logic d) Binary set logic


How many types of random variables are available? a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4


 What is meant by probability density function? a) Probability distributions b) Continuous variable c) Discrete variable d) Probability distributions for Continuous variables


Japanese were the first to utilize fuzzy logic practically on high-speed trains in Sendai. a) True b) False


 Which of the following is used for probability theory sentences? a) Conditional logic b) Logic c) Extension of propositional logic d) None of the mentioned


There are also other operators, more linguistic in nature, called __________ that can be applied to fuzzy set theory. a) Hedges b) Lingual Variable c) Fuzz Variable d) None of the mentioned


Like relational databases there does exists fuzzy relational databases. a) True b) False


______________ is/are the way/s to represent uncertainty. a) Fuzzy Logic b) Probability c) Entropy d) All of the mentioned


____________ are algorithms that learn from their more complex environments (hence eco) to generalize, approximate and simplify solution logic. a) Fuzzy Relational DB b) Ecorithms c) Fuzzy Set d) None of the mentioned


Which condition is used to influence a variable directly by all the others? a) Partially connected b) Fully connected c) Local connected d) None of the mentioned


 What is the consequence between a node and its predecessors while creating Bayesian network? a) Conditionally dependent b) Dependent c) Conditionally independent d) Both a & b