Un-Answered Questions { C++ General }

write a program that reads in a file and counts the number of lines, words, and characters. Your program should ask the user to input a filename. Open the file and report an error if the file does not exist or cannot be opened for some other reason. Then read in the contents of the file and count the number of lines, words, and characters in the file. Also print additional information about the file, such as the longest and shortest words, and longest and shortest lines. For simplicity, we define a word to be one or more characters ending with white space (a space, tab, carriage return, etc.). Functions for checking the types of characters can be found in the ctype.h header file, so you want to include this header file in your program. For example, the sentence below could be all that is in a file. This sentence IT 104 is taught in C++. has 32 characters, one line, and six words. The shortest line is 32 characters. The longest line is 32 characters. The shortest word is 2 characters. The longest word is 6 characters


Inline parameters : What does the compiler do with the parameters of inline function, that can be evaluated in runtime ?


how to access grid view row?


How the memory management in vectors are being done. What happens when the heap memory is full, and how do you handle it ?


write a corrected statement so that the instruction will work properly. if (4 < x < 11) y = 2 * x;


write a corrected statement in c++ so that the statement will work properly. x = y = z + 3a;


Write a corrected statement in c++ so that the statement will work properly. if (4 < x < 11) y=2*x;


Write a single instruction that will store an EVEN random integer between 54 and 212 inclusive in the variable myran. (NOTE only generate EVEN random numbers)


Given the following seqment of code containing a group of nested if instructions: y = 9; if ((x==3) || (x == 5)) y++; else if (x == 2) y *= 2; else if (x == ) y-= 7; else y = 8; if the value of x is 4 before the nested IFs are executed, what is the value of y after the nested IFs are executed?


Write a C/C++ program that connects to a MySQL server and checks if the InnoDB plug-in is installed on it. If so, your program should print the maximum number of concurrent threads that the InnoDB plug-in can create


write a c++ program to create class student having datamember name,Roll_no,age,and branch intilcization all the member using constructor print the all the details on the screen.


write a program that withdrawals,deposits,balance check,shows mini statement. (using functions,pointers and arrays)


can any one help to find a specific string between html tags which is changed to a sting.. weather.html looks (for location) is somewhere #include #include #include using namespace std; string find_field(string myPage,string); int main (void) { string page, line, location, temperature; ifstream inputFile("weather.xml"); while(getline(inputFile, line)) { page.append(line); line.erase(); } // Now page is a string that contains the whole xml page // Here you need to write something that finds and // extracts location and temperature from the XML // data in the string page and stores them in // the strings location and temperature respectively location=find_field(page,"location"); temperature=find_field(page,"temp_c"); cout << "Location: "<


why and when we can declar member fuction as a private in the class?


I want explanation for this assignment: how to connect mysql database using c/c++,please explain this detailly?