Un-Answered Questions { IBM MainFrame }

Tell me abt any another framework which is challening for Ibm framework


Explain Introduction abt Ibm framework


Expalin about Ibm frameworkinh working & is it platform independant & open source?


Is it rquired any server for Ibm framework? Give me list of Ibm framework & recent version IBm framework?


Hello All, We have requirment to Replace BMC Db2 Load product thru CA FAST LOADPlus product. Do anyone have JCL to for FAST LOADPLUS and what all are thing need to take in consideration.


is there any other way to install s/w in mainframe apart from smp/e system?


can any body give me any website for getting help on mainframe projectts in banking domain.


i tried to copy some records from microsoft excel to as-400 physical file through "Bosanova" emulation. Out of 14000 records only 12000 records copies and subsequently programe started to hang. Then, i closed the program forcefully. I did' under stand the problem. Also when i try to compile the physical file it is showing as "The file in use". How to overcome this problem?


Can you please let me know the centre name of INS certification in Kolkata.


How to move a field DT 9(8) of input file to DT 9(8) COMP-3 in output file in ezytrieve? in the output file entire dt is not moved.If any answer plz reply as soon as possible.


how to create a changeman read only audit and update only audit Specifications for the Read only Audit 1) Read HFFD database unqualified. 2) Read FDRT, FDDM, FDAP segments. If FDAP-APP-STS is ‘2’ read the FDAV segment and get the FDAV segment which has FDAV-APV-OPTION as ‘X’ If FDAP-APP-STS is ‘5’ read the HFAC database. Read the ACRT segment qualified based on the key obtained from the FDAP segment from HFFD database. Conditions for writing into output file: a. App Type should be NEWR b. App Status should be 1, 2 & 5. c. Write 50 records per app status. For e.g. first 50 records for App status 1, 2 & 5 each The output file should contain the following fields from the database FDRT-COMP-CTRY-CODE X(03). FDRT-CUST-ID-NUM X(10) FDDM-DEM-SEQ-NUM X(01) FDAP-APP-SEQ X(02) FDAP-JNT-IND X(01) FDAP-APP-STS X(01) FDAV-APV-OPTION X(01) FDAV-APV-DT X(06) FDAV-APV-AMT X(07) ACRT-ACCT-NUM X(06) ACRT-SEG-BUS-TYPE X(02) ACRT-NM1-LAST X(19) ACRT-NM1-SS X(09) ACRT-NM1-1ST X(12) ACRT-NM1-INIT X(01) ACRT-NM1-SFX X(03) ACRT-NM1-TITLE X(02) PSB – DVAN2BMP In case you get a GE for any of the conditions, write to output file along with the details of the database segment which was not found. We need to complete this whole process by tomorrow. Run the audit in DLI mode. 2) Sort the output file created in step 1 on Cust ID, Dem Seq & App Seq. Specifications for the Update Audit 3) Take the output of step 2 as input for an update audit. Details are as follows: Read each record & check the app status. If app status is less than 2 then update the FDAP-NEW- MONEY-ENT to $25000.00 PSB - AUDBMPJ The job would be a BMP job. The test job would be run in IMSE region. Note - The proc (which will be called by the job) and the job should also be present in the change-man package itself. You’ll have a test job in your PDS along with overrides to execute the program in test regions. The job would be a DLI job. The test job would be run in IMSE region. It’ll have the following steps. 1) Delete-define output and error files. 2) Use a copybook for the output layout.


pls send the docs of any telecommunication mainframe project


hi provide info about any real time requirement in health care and banking services mainframe applications. pls send immediate reply to me.


i made it to stage 3 of an interview process wednessday they will quiz my knowledge again face to face for an analyst role recruiter said it will be based on Business requirements system is cobol and good ideas what they might ask etc


Can any one tell me that how we go for the compare,unit testing after changing requirement as per client request. this is very helpful for me when u give suitable (coading) exmple.