Un-Answered Questions { Law AllOther }

Does Base amount for TDS calculation includes the Discount given ? Means if I have a payment of Rs.1000 and i gave discount of 1% (Rs. 10) , Do i need to calculate TDS on Rs. 990 or Rs. 1000 ?


This website is completely time wasting stuff. nothing arranged proper (all info in zigzag and like "@@@@@@".


Can any one please explain me a comparison between internal check, internal audit, internal control? (Auditing)


I have been approved for a L1a visa, and received a new I9, now what do I have to do to get the visa on my passport


how to prevent corporate lootings and frauds? is there any mechanism available besides the legislative frameworks stipulated by SEBI OR CL AFFAIRS?


how computation of tax for toll naka will be done


"banking company means any company which transact the business of banking". elucidate, what is the business of banking as elaborated in the banking companies ordinance, 1962?


if accendent happaned of car & container. the containar escape after heatting to car but car driver dont have driving licence so it will clame for insurance or not & is required FIR for insurance claim????????????????


What are the penalties if the director of Company is bringing the cash of Rs. 10,00,000/- into the company for its preoperative expeses as unsecured loan.


can a bill discounted be endorsed without acceptance .


can you please explain me the process of endorsing a bill of exchange with example for better understanding,as it is also said that it can be endorsed without acceptance too. i am still not clear with this concept. i tried many wesited but they just give on sentence answer whch am not able conceptuallly understand. I did found the previous answer posted regarding bills of exchange which were very comprehensive and easy to understand. it would be great if i get my doubt cleared..thanks in advance


what is non tax audit & due date for & if return is not filed within due date then


insider trading


types of crime


i was born on 7th may 1990... i'm from andhra pradesh do i have the right to vote in the coming april elections?? what is the cut off date this time???