Un-Answered Questions { C }

Why is event driven programming or procedural programming, better within specific scenario?


what is the significance of static storage class specifier?


A c program to display count values from 0 to 100 and flash each digit for a secong.reset the counter after it reaches 100.use for loop,. pls guys hepl me.. :(


`write a program to display the recomended action depends on a color of trafic light using nested if statments


write a program to rearrange the array such way that all even elements should come first and next come odd


Q.1 write aprogram to stack using linklist o insert 40 items? Q.2 write a program to implement circular queue with help of linklist?


Q.1 write a program to create binary tree 1 to 16 numbers? Q.2 write a program to creat a binary search tree for the member that is given by user?


write a c program to find the largest and 2nd largest numbers from the given n numbers without using arrays


how to print the character with maximum occurence and print that number of occurence too in a string given ?


write a c program to do the following: a) To find the area of a triangle. b) To convert the temperature from Fahrenheit to Celsius. c) To convert the time in hours : minutes : seconds to seconds.


why to assign a pointer to null sometimes??how can a pointer we declare get assigned with a garbage value by default???


write a progrmm in c language take user interface generate table using for loop?


write a program that declares an array of 30 elements named "income" in the main functions. then cal and pass the array to a programmer-defined function named "getIncome" within the "getIncome" function, ask the user for annual income of 30 employees. then calculate and print total income on the screen using the following function: "void getIncome ( ai []);


write a programming in c to find the sum of all elements in an array through function.


i got 75% in all semester am i eligible for your company