Is it possible to connect to a Microsoft Access database
without a DSN? If so, how??

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Is it possible to connect to a Microsoft Access database without a DSN? If so, how??..

Answer / binu. v. pillai

Yes, we can

//Connect access database

$con=odbc_connect("DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver
(*.mdb)}; DBQ=" . str_replace("/", "\\", $_SERVER
["DOCUMENT_ROOT"]) . "\foldername\dbname.mdb", "db_username"
, "db_password")or die("could'nt connect database");

if (!$con) {
die('Could not connect: ' . odbc_error());


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Is it possible to connect to a Microsoft Access database without a DSN? If so, how??..

Answer / ramachandra dixith

ya its working niceley in my local system
still i have to check in server...

any way code is connecting database.

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Is it possible to connect to a Microsoft Access database without a DSN? If so, how??..

Answer / ghan shyam

yes it is posible to connect ms access database without dsn

you have to provide Driver for database and database path in odbc_connect function. like :
odbc_connect(DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver
(*.mdb)}; DBQ="{database path}", "{db username if any}"
, "{db_password if any}") or die("could not connect to database");

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