Tell me what should we do to be able to export data into an excel file?
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How to create a session? How to set a value in session?
CWD is a type of shell variable. State Whether True or False?
Explain the difference between mysql_connect and mysql_pconnect?
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what is variable scope, which variables are accessible from where and what are "undefined variable" errors?
How to get useful error messages in php?
Explain the visibility of the property or method?
How to check whether cookies are disbled or not in the browser ? If that is the case how do you handle the sessions ?
Suppose your Zend engine supports the mode <? ?> Then how can u configure your PHP Zend engine to support <?PHP ?> mode ?
What is session in php why it is use?
Hi, My Name is Ajay Jha. What My Question is I am Percuing in Bca. It's My 5th Semester. I Want To Make My Carrear as a web designer that's Why i wants to do Php, Is it right Desision for Me ?