hi..this is kumar...how m,uch time req for php
preparation?is any coaching avaiable in vizag for php?

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hi..this is kumar...how m,uch time req for php preparation?is any coaching avaiable in vizag for ph..

Answer / satish

Hi iam satish from vizag. i invistigated the institutes in
vizag for php. but no one teaching advanced php. all are
teaching basics only. so i planned to start classes for php
in my home. if you intrested contace me. i have 3 years exp
in php. gvsatish454@gmail.com 9912575237

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hi..this is kumar...how m,uch time req for php preparation?is any coaching avaiable in vizag for ph..

Answer / kiran kumar

sir am interested to learn php can u tell the fees

send details to


i already learnt lamp course in chennai but am not satisfied
with that centre

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hi..this is kumar...how m,uch time req for php preparation?is any coaching avaiable in vizag for ph..

Answer / shirish

hai no one is ther to teach php exactly in vizag.we are going to start institue in vizag may be it takes 3months,witll full ria applications and we will provide jobs too.we are already in process.................

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