I just installed php 5.3.1 in my linux server and now my old
work which i used to write with tags is not working at all..

Please help me out.. How can i resolve this??

I just installed php 5.3.1 in my linux server and now my old work which i used to write with tags i..

Answer / rekha_sri

Short tags are disabled by default.
If you want to enable short tags enable the short_open_tag
in the php.ini file. If it is off we need to give On for
enabling the short tags.
But you should use the full length tags <?php ?>.

Reasons for why we should not use the short tags,

* If you want to make your application portable, it may be
short open tags are not allowed on another server and hence
your application is not working.

* It will be removed in PHP 6.

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