How quickly do you make decisions?
Schlumberger, Sherwin Williams, Starbucks, Videocon, Whole Foods Market,
900Did you ever postpone making a decision?
Rolls Royce, Sherwin Williams, State Street, Waste Management Inc, Wegmans,
1557Post New HR Questions Questions
Name some of your strengths and weaknesses?
Tell me an experience of yours in that you didn't like to do and how you handled it?
You may have to work on different technologies and in different place. Are you ready to relocate?
How has your college experience prepared you for a career at Wegmans Food Markets?
How do you communicate with TL / PM / Onsite team ?
What are common risks at Farmfoods? And how to face?
What have you done to support diversity in your unit?
what is your favourite subject? What do you like about it the most?
The electrical equipment industry is vast. What area do you consider your specialty and why will your specialty help us at Apple?
What would you suggest Buffalo Wild Wings management do to prevent people from leaving?
Suppose U solve a problem and after that U are getting an almost same problem with high complexity (and lower complexity). How will U approach to the next problem.
What salary are you seeking at Under Armour?
What salary range are you looking for at Laura Ashley?
What do you know about Bluestar?
Tell us about the failures in your life.