HTML DHTML Interview Questions
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Should I use lower case or upper case for tags?

2 3741

My images/hyperlinks are coming out all wrong, or don't load! What's up?

2 3076

How do I get a button which takes me to a new page?

1 3660

Why is XHTML needed? Isn't HTML good enough?

1 3131

What are the advantages of using XHTML rather than HTML?

1 3793

Can I just put the XML declaration on top of existing HTML documents? Can I intermix HTML 4.01 and XHTML documents?

1 2650

What is the easiest way to convert my HTML documents to XHTML?

1 3838

Why are browsers so fussy about XML? They were more accepting with HTML.

1 2891

Why should I care if my document is in correct HTML? It displays all right on my browser.

1 2776

Where can I go to verify my document uses correct markup?

2 3031

Why do you say "user agent" everywhere, instead of "browser"?

1 2632

Why do I have to use these namespace things in XHTML?

1 2719

Why is it allowed to send XHTML 1.0 documents as text/html?

1 2655

Which browsers accept the media type application/xhtml+xml?

1 3219

Does Microsoft Internet Explorer accept the media type application/xhtml+xml?

1 3056

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Un-Answered Questions { HTML DHTML }

Is html worth learning?


What is a nav tag?


Is main an html5 tag?


How can I specify background images?


Write an html code to create an e-mail link?


Is there a limit to meta keywords?


How do you make a link open in a new tab?


What is frameset in html?


What are the types of hyperlink?


What is the full form of html?


Can we use multiple

elements in html5?


How do you create a link that will connect to another web page when clicked?


Is audio tag supported in html 5?


What is the difference between select and datalist in html?


Why to use figure tag in html5?