Core Java Interview Questions
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Is it possible to write JAVA program without including any of the packages,such as "import*"; bcoz I instantly wrote a code without "import..." statement and runned the program on command Line & it worked. the code is: class Person { String name; int age; Person(String s,int a) { name = s; age = a; } accept() { System.out.println(name+"Hi!!!!!"); System.out.println(age); } } class Demo { public static void main(Strings args[])throws IOException { String name = args[0]; int age = Integer.parseInt(args[1]); Person p = new Person(name,age); p.accept(); } }

3 4235

1) There are 10 different threads in runnable state. Each having priority 1 to 10. How does the CPU schedules or executes these threads?


2 5929

2) Suppose there are 5 directories having lot of files (say txt files) in each directory. 2 things :- 2.1) You want to search for filenames which have a particular pattern. 2.2) Out of these filtered files you want to search for a particular keyword or a search string. How can you achieve this?



3) Suppose you are a very rich person, having 50 rooms and you have lost the key for one of the room's. How effectively you can find this key? (Qs2 and Qs3 are related)


3 7762

Suppose there is a System A which gives some output. This output is used as input by system B. The rate at which System A produces is faster than the rate at which system B consumes it. How can you improve this?


1 5077

Suppose there is an Online shopping cart application having different objects like Cart, SelectionItem, Billing, COnfiguration, Authentication, Authorization, PersonalDetails etc. Out of this which one can be made a singleton pattern and why?


2 9795

What is Co-Variant return type in method overriding?


1 5080

7) Suppose there is Student class like class student { int age; string name; } We want to store these objects in a HashMap. Do we need to override any methods in Student class? If any which ones and why? what if i just override equals or just hashcode? what will be the results in both the cases?

CSC, Nagarro, RBS,

4 7557

Can an abstract class have a constructor?

RBS, Wipro,

1 8818

What is the life cycle of Servlet?

3 5187

JVM responsibility?


6 14190

explain Anonynous inner class?


6 7781

why is S capital in System.out.println ????

6 18440

what is difference between length and length()?

8 15701

how your day start in your company

1 3026

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Un-Answered Questions { Core Java }

What is constructor and its types?


What things should be kept in mind while creating your own exceptions in java?


What is the instance of an object?


What causes memory leak in java?


How do constructors use this() and super()?


Can you explain the meaning of aggregation and composition


What is the ==?


Why stringbuilder is not thread safe in java?


Why is the main method declared static?


What about interrupt() method of thread class ?


What is the difference between scrollbar and scrollpane?


What is garbage collector?


Why do we create threads in java?


Is 0 an irrational number?


What are the main uses of this keyword?