Core Java Interview Questions
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What is the difference between Byte stream and Charecter Stream?

Tarang Software,

2 4724

where final and static variable stored?

3 15184

does java support default argument in Method?

1 3210

Why does java not allow multiple public classes in a java file ?

2 3757

what is the reason behind non static method cannot be referenced from a static Context?

2 4030

why java does not support unsigned keyword?

1 4577

If goto and const is reserve words than why it is not work in java?


Can a class be subclass of itself?

4 6127

java is fullu object oriented or pure? why?

8 8365

What is the difference between Object and Instance?


5 8460

how to java plateform independent?


5 6013

Why does java doesnot support multiple inheritance?


5 6867

What are the characteristics provided in jdk1.6 apart from other versions?


3 6854

What does those terms actually mean included in the j.d.k i.6?


Why does java doesnt suuport unsigned values?



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Un-Answered Questions { Core Java }

What do you mean by object?


How do you use substring in java?


State differences between C and Java?


What is a values collection view ?


Difference between this() and super() ?


For ease of programming you can consider the maze as a 2D array with colors represented by below integer and characters (in capital letters). • B - Black • W -White • G- Green • R- Red R B W B W W W W W W B W B B W W W W W W W B W B W W W B W W W W B B W W W B W W W B W W B B B B W B W B W W B W W W B W W W B B B W W B W W W B W W B W B W W W B W B W W W W B B W W W W B W W W W W G Shortest Route Problem: • Solution that finds the shortest Route between Red and Green  White will have 1 Weight.  Red and Green carry no weights.  Shortest path is the path with less weight when you add up the weights in the path.


Write down program for following scenario. Use java coding standard. You have array list with some words in it..we will call it as dictionary….and you have a arbitrary string containing some chars in it. You have to go through each word of dictionary and find out if that word can be constructed with the help of chars from arbitrary string given. If you find the word print it else print none.


What is data and its types?


What are basic keywords?


What is locale in java?


What is method overriding in java ?


How do you invoke a method?


Why is java multithreaded?


What is the difference between the direct buffer and non-direct buffer in java?


How to sort an array in java without using sort method?