what are the customization u have done in sap mm
What r the foll tax deductions for :- 1.TDS 2.WCT Give me answers in detail & give me some addtional info on these topics which would be helpful for me.
Shall we add Local Repository to shared object repository,if yes,how we add
Which is the default modifier for a method, variable, class?
WHAR ARE THE RELAVENT DATA BASE TABLES FOR THE FI? HOW CAN YOU PREPARE CONSALIDATED BALANCE SHEET R/3? WHAT ARE CONTROL THAT WE SETUP WHILE ENTERING A DOCUMENT ? WHAT IS VALUATION AND VALUATION CLASS WHAT IS DEFERANCE? how many typs of calculatiion procedures are there in sap system ? and explain those? how can you record the provision for the baddebts? how can you direct the output of checks printing of a various banks at time
What don't you like about working at Allstate and what would you change?
Explain how do you access the records randomly in tsq?
What do you by mean by the term information collection in rpa?
Should I delete temporary files?
What is the role of the master controller job in sap hana?
Is list a data structure?
What is xml messaging web service protocol stack layer?
Can a client use jdk orb to communicate with orbix domain?
What are the update types possible?
Differentiate between delete() and softdeletes().