The gas used for artificial ripening of green fruit is (A) Ethylene (B) Ethane (C) Carbon dioxide (D) Acetylene
7 44601Post New Sonalika Interview Questions
Is dependency injection a design pattern?
List down the features of informix 4gl.
How can we deploy components to production org ? : salesforce lightning component
What is the advantage of using #define to declare a constant?
What was the difficult days in your life ? please elaborate
mention what are the important component of web-sphere?
How we can convert Buffer to JSON?
In an aggregate blending plant, water is sprayed before blending is performed. If the fine content in aggregate is as high as 25 %, will not the fines form into lumps / balls and distribution will not be uniform ? Further, the fines will stick onto the interior of pug mill and its content will be low. The mixed material is stockpiled for weeks / months before use. Will it not be better that blending is done in dry condition, and water will be added only during compaction at site. Please forward your comments and suggestions.
void main(){ int a; a=1; while(a-->=1) while(a-->=0); printf("%d",a); }
What is a recursive stored procedure?
What are the axes of movement of the robot?
What is attribute in xml?
Zend_cache provides a generic way to cache any data?
How to assign values to data fields in record variables?
How to check an key is exists in array?