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What are the scripts you can create for security by using LSMW??
What is a recommendation system?
What is architecture of web application?
What is a server parameter file in oracle?
What topics cover the study of biomedical sciences?
What makes vrrds different from vsam?
what is the role of xml in core java?? and how we can use it?? can somebody give a sample program with explanation and from where i can read more about xml?????
Is angular a good career?
Do all browsers support html5?
What is the usage of draft tube in reaction turbine ?
What do you understand by soa?
What are the web relation functionalities provided by soap protocol?
Can we change price control from S to V in mid of the year, If we can change what is the process steps we will follow from CO end?
If 15 tasks are given at a time what will you do?