Suppose one project is given to u.How do u know whether this project is suitable for manual testing or automation.
3 7769Post New Exalt Manual Testing Interview Questions
What is console.time() and console.timeend()? What is its syntax, and why is it used?
Why is flag used in java?
Does apache struts run on windows?
What is the difference between Singleton design pattern and Factory design pattern?
What is x+ mode in fopen() used for?
What is cd linux?
Explain how 'human elements' are organized in sd?
If o/p power is doubled by how much does the sound increase
how many clusters are generated by k-means algorithm?
How do I download spark?
How to write test case for this scenario. If the Zip Code field is populated, the system shall compare the zip code value entered to the zip code value in the Family Individual Information Tab
What is a database in layman terms?
Explain folder, file & description of android apps?
What are sorting algorithms used for?
What is the html element formatting model in css?