The Parliament of India consists of (A) The Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha (B) The President, Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha (C) The Lok Sabha, Prime Minister and Speaker (D) None of these
9 54851The IC chips used in computers are made of (A) Chromium (B) Silicon (C) Silica (D) Iron oxide
10 47624How many times can the President of India return a non money bill passed by the Parliament? (a) Twice (b) Once (c) Thrice (d) Never
10 20793The hormone progesterone in human females is produced by 1 Cervix 2 Corpus luteum 3 Inner layer of uterus 4 Oviduct
2 5328In India, the proclamation of emergency is made under 1 Article 352 2 Article 356 3 Article 359 4 Article 360
3 8862Optic fibers are mainly used for which of the following? 1 Communication 2 Weaving 3 Musical instruments 4 Eye surgery
2 16154The image formed on the retina of a human eye is 1 Virtual and inverted 2 Virtual and erect 3 Real and erect 4 Real and inverted
16 75053The president appoints chief election commissioner and election commissioners they have tenure : 1. Of five years 2. Of six years 3. Up to the age of 65 years 4. Of six years, or up to the age of 65 years, whichever is earlier
2 3773Post New ESIC General Knowledge_Current Affairs Interview Questions
Can you selectively load only those records that you need? : aql loader
What are the rendering extensions of ssrs?
Do you know what is blocking?
You have been asked to submit a proposal for a project that has been put out for bid. Prior to submitting the proposal, your company must register so that their firm is on the qualified seller list. Which of the following is true? A. The qualified seller list provides information about the sellers and is a tool and technique of the Solicitation process. B. The qualified seller list provides information about the project and the company that wrote the RFP and is an input to the Solicitation process. C. The qualified seller list provides information about the project and the company that wrote the RFP and is a tool and technique of the Source Selection process. D. The qualified seller list provides information about the sellers and is an input to the Solicitation process.
Write a hello world program using servlets.
What are different access specifiers in java? Explain
Which cpu used in blackberry technology?
You will be working as part of a team? How good are you working in a team?
Can we insert data into view sql server?
What is apache camel?
what is meant by urlencode and urldocode? : Sql dba
Why declare Main() inside the class in java ?
What is benchmark testing? hi friends... can anyone suggest the correct answer plz...
What is the use of sync in android?
What are processing commands?