Suppose A company is giving salary to its employees on 10th of every month. So on which date the salary payable entry will be passed/due also tell what will be the general entry for salary payable
3 8065Post New Enrich Accounting General Interview Questions
Where do you use proc means over proc freq?
Where do you recommend of using asynchronous communication under SAP PI communication?
What is the use of com component in .net?
Explain the Algorithm Technique of Unsupervised Learning in Machine Learning?
What is apache virtual host?
What are the types of liabilities accounts?
What angular components can be defined within AngularJS templates?
How to prepare the functional requirements specifications (frs) ?
Do you have any idea about various codes used in banking industry?
Can you explain the refrigeration cycle?
Explain the operating condition in scr.
I am designing an Access database form. how can I get my next control in the form to be automatically selected?
How is WMLScript is differ from JavaScript?
What does enterprise javabeans module contain?
Why are decorators used in angular 2?