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MH Interview Questions
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what is the syllabus for assistant motor vehicle inspectors in atransport subordinate service,a.p.p.s.c.

7 20391

I am supposed to sit exams in the UK for 2 days. I am told I am supposed to apply for a student Visitor VISA. However I am told for one to get a student visitor visa, the institution conducting the course MUST be accredited by British Accreditation Council (BAC) or Accreditation UK. In my case, I am undertaking an internationally recognized professional qualification that is provided by a short course provide in the UK that is not accredited by the UK border agency. I have been accepted on a course of study and I have also received a letter from the institution inviting me for the exams. Can I still apply for a UK student visitor visa/ what should I do since I only need 2 days to be able to sit these exams and these exams are only scheduled in the UK?


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