How many Logical ports are available in OS? eg.23 for Telnet like this what is total number of available ports?
2 14357Post New eClinicalWorks Operating Systems General Concepts Interview Questions
Which is the most reliable programming language for RDBMS Relational Database Management System for Multi user applicaton. For PC application or web application ?
A folder is there inside no of textfiles are avilable. How do count the textfiles. Normally folder means we are using subfolder methods but textfiles is not working for subfolder methods and how do get file name also.
What is ms powershell?
Is it possible to start approval process after records is created in salesforce without clicking on submit for approval button? : salesforce workflows and approval process
How java uses the string and stringbuffer classes?
Where are semaphores used?
What is wrapper class in apex salesforce ?
State what are user permissions in salesforce?
Explain the difference between import and
what do you mean by the reversal posting?
What is a dynamic performance view in oracle?
What is the meaning of “dirty read” in the database?
what are the features and advantages of object-oriented programming? : Sql dba
How can we perform different types of join using Talend components?
Is RTCC panel needs any control supply.