What is a result set object returned by odbc_exec()?
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i am the student of icwai (intermidiate) What is the tds and how use the different state ..
Explain the term statelessness in terms of restful web services?
How to prevent firebird.log file from filling up the disk partition?
Could someone please send me real check list for Database Security testing.Please my mail ID- patil.ramchandra@yahoo.co.in. Thanks.
What is a z test?
How old is c programming language?
Which are the different case manipulation functions in sql?
Name three areas/processes which use condition technique in sd?
how can you tell ef to have a different table or column name than that defined for the class?
How to attach adventureworkslt physical files to the server?
What are the disadvantages of using python?
What might be the reason if the status of the resource is showing as warning in the control room?
How do I start writing on wordpress?