Will changing wordpress theme affect content?
Name splunk alternatives?
How does your preferred work style work with the ideal test-manager role that you just described? What is different between the way you work and the role you described?
What are parametric models? Give an example.
Explain the working of command grouping?
how we can decide that what value of ht line will come to any commercial building? (ans except According to the building load)
im ravi frm tumkur i did mba in finance.i m seeking job in finance if any body knows abt job vecancies or walk in in bangalore please inform me my cell no is 9986288362 and my e mail id is ravigr362@gmail.com
Why is fet known as a unipolar device?
Please explain in python what is slicing?
what is the global prameters why are you selecting for the negative posting period allowed, defalult value date,proposed fisal year
Explain numeric promotion?
Can we display a list in a pop-up screen other than full-size stacked list?
Why GIT better than Subversion?
hey, i am confused with ece n cse..both attract me the same..just that wich one has higher placements n pay pakages n which one has higher scope after doing mba??..reply urgently..
State the various features present in .NET?