What is the type of principal for CLOSING STOCK. and why we show closing stock two time that is once in trading account and another time in assets. if closing stock is Real account than what about showing in trading account as we dont show real account type in trading account. thanks
6 16810why should we call profit and loss account in general we get profit either loss can we call that as profit or loss account?
1 3623Post New DuPont Accounting General Interview Questions
(b) How Find, Replace and Go To commands ca be used to substitute one character string for another? Explain with the heIp of an example.
How many root segments do we have per database record?
What is your Approach when you find 10 Sev-1 bugs in 50 test cases?
How to Sync Two SQL Azure Databases?
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What is metadata autoproxying?
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Can we use pl sql in mysql?
What is wasted time in vugen replay log?
What does 3+4+"7" evaluate to?
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What is pure botany?
What are some drawbacks of implementing a ring topology?
What are the applications in websphere?