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WhatsApp Interview Questions
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20 apple 1 rupees(indian currency)1 orange 5 rupees and 1 lemon 1 rupee.i wan to buy 100 fruits(above mentioned)for 100 rupees. tell me how much quantity of apple orange and lemon will be buy for 100 rupees. this is serious me plzz????????

15 89101

X is a five letter word. if u remove the first letter, it is the name of the country.if u remove first two letters it is opposite to female.... find out 'x' friendzzzzzzzzzz....

11 73188

wo kya cheez hai jo saal me 1 baar mahine me 2 baar hafte me 4 baar aur din me 6 baar aati hai

39 1303171

Solve this: Im a 11 Letter City. Last 6 letter is fruit name. 7,8,3 is a bird name. 6,7,5,3 is a part of a face. 1,8,3 is use 4 student. 9,5,3 is a soap name.

17 195467

my 1st friend gave me 1000 and 2nd gave me 500 i have loos 1000 rupees then i purchase some thing with the cost of 300 and gave 100 100 both friends 1st friend remaining 900 and 2nd remaining 400 900+400+300=1600 why

73 447330

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what is the effect of un-synchronized power.


Can you name the different types of processor?


There is a column with date in it. If I want to get just month how it can be done? Can I use sub string?


Explain continuous integration.


List the modern browsers supported by angular 2?


How to include variables in double-quoted strings in php?


What does calling preventdefault() on an event do? How is this enforced? : adobe flex action script


how we calculate the short circuit capacity of the busbar in LV & HT?


how to import specifically 2nd column elements to runtime datatable in excel sheet if it contains 3 columns


Explain the concept of resilient distributed dataset (rdd).


Differentiate between a local and a global temporary table?


Can I use a native two-tier driver for a browser applet? : BEA Weblogic


What is a Backlink?


What are the reason to avoid the development of multi-threaded corba application?


How does a socket work?