What is the use of printf() and scanf() functions?
What is difference between cartesian join and cross join?
What is the difference between linux and windows?
How do I open registry editor?
State the demerit of linear representation of binary trees?
Do you know what is sweeper in rails?
What is data type in computer?
What are the advantages of java inner classes?
What is the basic principal, by which DC voltage level is increased more than the supplied AC voltage during conversion. As upto AC level it is contorrled by firing anlge but after maximum level how is it possible.Please clear picture. OR we have to supply the higher level AC?
Can I use qualified names in dtds?
What is difference between .net core and .net standard?
Explain how to improve Servlet Performance?
"When you will install a new piston ring, what will be the position of it?"
How to delete multiple cells in excel shortcut?
What is ms powerpoint and its uses?