Difference between stored procedure and macro?
Consider earth's equator is covered with a measuring tape touching the ground such both the ends touch each other. if the tape is lifted 1 meter from the ground, what would be the distance between two ends of tape?
Are meta keywords still relevant 2019?
How do I use TCP_NODELAY?
Do you know what is a company in sap?
Can anyone walk me through the process of what happened when you do the post good issue in delivery? Moment type 601, let’s take that as an example, what happened in SAP? Suppose 601-moment type is posted in SAP, what happened when you do PGI (Post Goods Issue) as any account happens and if yes then what kind of account posting happens. please tell me, after PGI is completed what happens?
what are various connector modes in tdi?
Is c++ or python better?
Is machine learning artificial intelligence?
How to retrieve data from multiple collections in mongodb?
What are the minimum files required for a feature?
Explain importance of throws keyword in java?
What is sorting in java?
Is python good for windows?
You want to connect report through process scheduler. How would you do that?