On 20 feet high pol a monkey climb/jump 4 feet and every time he fel/slip down 3 feet then, how many jump/climb he reach at top of the pol?
16 31758Post New Delhi Police Puzzles Interview Questions
What is ado.net and its features?
What is vlookup and hlookup formula?
Explain about multi threading on python?
State some uses of redo log files?
What prior subject is required to become data analyst?
What does ps do?
What is an event in Swing?
The work of this harvard college observatory scientist made possible the first accurate determination of extragalactic distances by what is often called henriettas law?
What is the bidirectional search algorithm?
How do you call functions in python?
What are the basic building blocks of pll?
List out test deliverables?
What is bitwise operator in c#?
List out some of the examples for liability accounts?
How to fetch data from database in cakephp?